Trees, Decorations, Gifts & More

The Thrill of Cutting Your Own Christmas Tree at Evergreen Farm
Evergreen Farm started out by offering just a few varieties of time-tested, favorite Christmas Trees. You get to choose and cut the perfect tree from the many in our fields.
Today, we offer gorgeous Balsam, Canaan, Concolor and Fraser Firs, as well as White Pine, Colorado Blue Spruce and other exotic species.
Learn more about the various Christmas tree types by clicking here.
Here's How It Works...
Upon arrival, we will help you find the type of tree you want, give you a saw to cut down the one you choose, and a tarpaulin to help you drag your tree back to the shaking and baling area.
While you watch, our crew will shake your tree to remove all the leaves, dead needles and other debris.
We will bale your tree in netting to make it easier to get into the house and set up.
Then, browse our outdoor selection of wreaths and roping...and enter our Carriage House Shop to pay for your tree and see the many holiday items in stock inside.
Carriage House Shop for Handcrafted Ornaments, Decorations & More
Our Gift Shop is a fairly new venture compared to Evergreen's decades in the Christmas tree business. Our customers love it.
This is where you can pay for your tree and shop for handmade mantel & table decorations, ornaments, tree stands, watering spouts and other related items—many made right here at the farm by our family and staff!

When you're finished, step out of the Carriage House Shop to the firepit with a cup of hot chocolate. Then, head home for a festive time of tree trimming!
Your trip to Evergreen Farm is a wonderful experience that you'll want to make an annual family tradition!